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Summer Camp Registration Open!

Each day of CHP Summer Camp is full of creativity, physical activity, and fun - they wont even notice that they're learning! Registration is open now for Grades 1-4 & Grades 7-8. Waitlist available for Grades 5&6.

With exciting new themes each week, secure your child's spot today for an unforgettable summer adventure!

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Country Heritage Park

- Showcasing Food and Farming Excellence -

History & Education

Events & Weddings

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Halton as we know it today is rich in history and modern traditions of many First Nations and the Métis - these lands surrounding the Great Lakes are steeped in Indigenous history.
As we gather on these treaty lands, we have the responsibility to honour and respect the four directions, land, waters, plants, animals, ancestors that walked before us, and all the wonderful elements of creation that exist.
We would like to acknowledge and thank the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation for sharing their traditional territory with us.

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Country Heritage Agricultural Society (CHAS) is a Canadian registered Non-Profit Organization.

Charity Number: 813821006 RR 0001

© 2022 Country Heritage Park. All rights reserved.

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